Wednesday, May 2, 2012's May?!

Where, oh where, has the time gone?   Honestly, I just feel like the last time I posted was like 2 weeks ago...but it was more than 4 MONTHS AGO?  Bet you thought I was off accomplishing something great in that huge lapse in time...but no.  I wasn't.  I was working and well...working.  Here's a brief update of some things that have gone on since The Last Post on 1/24/12...

#1.  In March, my sister and I took the trip of a lifetime.  AKA "Road Trip USA:  Seat's Taken" per our upcoming DVD (yes, we filmed the trip for my parents).  It was so nice to spend time together, just the two of us.  That kind of time is rare these days, and I'm sure it will be even more rare in the days to come.  We saw some pretty amazing things - The Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Devil's Tower, etc.  I could go on, but I think I am probably the only person that cares.  Bottom line - good times were had by all, and I can't wait to go see her in July with my parents!

#2.  I booked a wedding in June...the first wedding here in Charlotte for Cardinal Photography!  So exciting!

Um...and that's about it.  My lovely roommate Kelli and I have been brainstorming about some really delightful business ideas, but more on that in the (hopefully) near future!

PS - some new recipe's from Gram's old cookbook are heading your way shortly!  I'm going to blog my pants off this month!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah, tell me about it. Feels like i just got up from a coma- haven't seen the time fly...
