Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Aspiring Photogs!

So right now, I'm taking some initiative.  To those of you who read this blog back when it was nothing but a white page with some words on it, and a poorly thought through random photo of roses at the top, I thank you.  There is so much more that we want to do with this little bloggy, and I can't wait to start.  So I'm starting now.  Call me a crazy kook if you want...that's just how I roll. 

Rosie and I both LOVE LOVE LOVE photography.  It's no secret.  It's a good thing we have each other, or we'd probably annoy the heck out of other human beings who don't love it as much.  Now, I'm not saying we are professionals by any means...but we've taken some pretty darn good pictures in our time.  Some of them have been on trips together, and some of them have been on separate endeavors.  I think that photography is wonderful because not only do you find something and capture it all time, I believe that it lets you find yourself as well.  Lord knows we can all relate to that, ya'll!

So with no further ado, I give you the first photo posted on Rosebuds & Buttercups.  Rosie came down to visit me a few weeks ago and along with my lovely roommate, we drove up to the mountains to do some gem mining (you heard me), and some general sightseeing.  We like to ooo and aaah over scenery.  It's true.  And how could you not ooo and ahh over this?

Rose and I have recently become obsessed with photoshop and subsequently, the actions that you can use within that program.  My favorite actions are the free ones that you can find on The Pioneer Woman's blog - she is fantastic, really!  All I did on this one was use the "Boost" action - pretty sure God did the rest!!

**Check out the next post - this is day one of our Thankful Blog.  I'm thankful for THIS blog today.  Feeling very very blessed!!

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