Have you ever seen someone so blatantly post something so mindless that it made your blood boil and you had to say something? That happened to me today. I posted something back (nicely) - and what I posted was a fact. Did you know it's a fact that a US Code states that you should put your hand over your heart when the Star Spangled Banner is played? Well, some people didn't know that, so I informed them. What I received in return can only be described as the babble of idiot minions of the person who said that your hand only should be over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Alas, the real issue at stake was the fact that it is respectful to put your hand over your heart in BOTH situations. And the problem is that my sometimes over-zealous hearts for America prompted me to post in reply. So after I got angry and then embarrassed at myself, I then did the following:
LOOKED UP LOLDOGS. Have ya'll ever been to THIS website before? If not, go now...it will turn any type of mediocre to bad day into a great one!
Here's an example of the true brilliance of LOLDOGS...
Here are my take-aways from today's adventures on the internet:
1. NEVER engage in a Facebook debate...it will get you nowhere but the Land of Frustration and Shame. I knew this before, but this point was proven today.
2. ALWAYS look at cute pictures of dogs to turn your day from crappy to awesome.
Good luck on the Internets, friends! :)
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